Oriental Rugs

Oriental Rugs

Beautiful oriental rugs delivered in the UK

Oriental rugs are an attractive and timeless decorating piece, adding colour, texture and personality to any room. Here at Shimu we have a wide range of superb quality oriental rugs for delivery UK wide, with options to suit all homes and interiors. From luxurious, pure-wool rugs, through to cheerful cotton mats and runners, our selection includes beautiful rugs, perfect for any room in the house.

Oriental rugs are among the most sought-after and prized possessions for interior design enthusiasts. These exquisite carpets have a rich history dating back centuries and are known for their intricate designs, vibrant colours, and exceptional craftsmanship. They are widely regarded as a timeless investment for any home, adding a touch of elegance and sophistication to any room.

In this guide, we will discuss the different types of Oriental rugs, the materials and techniques used in their production, the design elements that make them unique, and much more. Whether you are looking to buy an Oriental rug for the first time or just want to learn more about these beautiful carpets, this guide will help!

The history of oriental rug making

The art of rug making has been around for centuries, dating back to the earliest civilizations in the world. From the nomadic tribes of Central Asia to the grand palaces of the Ottoman Empire, oriental rug making has a long and storied history. In the beginning, rugs were made from animal hides, with the fur and hair left intact. This was done to provide warmth and comfort, as well as to mark a tribe or family's territory.

As tribes continued to move, they took their skills and designs with them, creating rugs that were both functional and aesthetically pleasing. This practice spread throughout the Middle East and Europe, with the nomadic tribes introducing their designs to the more settled cultures. Over time, the craftsmanship of these rugs began to improve and the materials used changed. Wool and silk were commonly used as they were more durable and easier to dye.

The introduction of the loom and the use of looms to create patterns and detailed designs added an additional level of intricacy to the process. This allowed for more intricate designs, and enabled rug makers to create more intricate and beautiful works of art. In the 16th century, the Persian empire began to rise and with it, the production of high-quality Persian rugs and carpets. The Safavid dynasty, which ruled from 1501 to 1722, was particularly known for creating intricately patterned carpets that were exported all over the world.

The art of oriental rug making continued to thrive during the Ottoman Empire, which lasted from 1299 to 1923. Ottoman carpets were often designed using geometric patterns or medallions. These carpets were often highly prized and used as a status symbol. Today, oriental rug making is still going strong. For centuries, the art of rug making has been passed down from generation to generation, often with the same techniques and designs.

Many of the traditional designs and techniques are still used today, with modern innovations taking place as well.

Our oriental rugs are available for delivery throughout the UK and we offer a selection of beautiful rugs which have been handmade using high quality materials and original rug-making techniques. Why not browse through our range to discover the wonderful world of oriental rugs?

Types of Oriental Rugs

Oriental rugs are a fascinating addition to any home, available in a wide range of styles and designs, each with its own cultural significance and unique characteristics. Among the most famous and well-known types of Oriental rugs are Persian, Turkish, Chinese, Indian, Caucasian, Central Asian, and Tibetan rugs.

Persian rugs are renowned for their intricate designs, high-quality wool, and vibrant colours. They are hand-woven in Iran and are considered some of the finest Oriental rugs available. Turkish rugs are also a popular choice, hand-woven in Turkey, and known for their rich colours and intricate patterns. They are usually made of wool, silk, or a combination of both.

Chinese rugs are hand-woven in China and are prized for their elegant appearance and delicate craftsmanship. They are often made of silk or wool and feature intricate designs that showcase the culture and heritage of the country. Indian rugs, on the other hand, are renowned for their bold designs and vibrant colours. They are hand-woven in India using wool or silk and are known for their durability and versatility.

Caucasian rugs are hand-woven in the Caucasus region and are known for their unique appearance, bold designs, and bright colours. Made of wool, they are also popular for their durability. Central Asian rugs, on the other hand, are hand-woven in countries like Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Kazakhstan. They feature intricate designs and high-quality wool that is renowned for its strength and durability.

Tibetan rugs are hand-woven in Tibet and are known for their bold colours and unique designs. They are usually made of wool and are popular for their comfort and durability. Each type of Oriental rug has its own story to tell, and by bringing one into your home, you can add a touch of culture and history to your space.

What are Oriental rugs made from?

The materials used in the production of Oriental rugs are crucial in determining their quality and durability. The three main materials used in Oriental rug weaving are wool, silk, and cotton. Wool is the most commonly used material and is valued for its durability, softness, and excellent insulation properties. However, the quality of the wool used can vary depending on the sheep breed and region where it is grown. Silk is a luxurious material that is often used for intricate designs in high-end Oriental rugs. Cotton, on the other hand, is used as the foundation of many Oriental rugs, providing a strong and durable base.

The combination of these materials and their quality greatly affects the durability, texture, and overall appearance of the rug. High-quality Oriental rugs are typically made of pure wool or silk, while lower-quality rugs may contain synthetic materials or lower-grade wool.

What’s the difference between Oriental and Persian rugs?

Oriental rugs and Persian rugs are both types of exquisite, handcrafted floor coverings with rich cultural histories, but there are significant differences between them. Oriental rugs are a broad category of rugs traditionally produced in the "Orient," including countries in Asia, the Middle East, and parts of Africa. This category encompasses a wide range of styles, materials, weaving techniques, and patterns, reflective of the diverse cultures in these regions. Common countries producing Oriental rugs include India, China, Tibet, Turkey, and Pakistan, along with others. Hence, Oriental rugs can be quite varied, and their quality and price can also significantly differ.

On the other hand, Persian rugs are a specific subset of Oriental rugs and originate from the country of Iran, formerly known as Persia. These rugs are world-renowned for their superior craftsmanship, quality materials, intricate designs, and longevity. Persian rugs typically feature traditional Iranian art and culture, and their motifs often tell stories from Persian history or mythology. Unlike the wide-ranging Oriental rug category, Persian rugs adhere to more standard design elements and weaving techniques, which allows for more consistency and predictability in terms of quality. However, there's still considerable variation within Persian rugs, with distinctive styles associated with different regions of Iran. Therefore, while all Persian rugs are Oriental, not all Oriental rugs are Persian.

The craft of Oriental rug making

Oriental rugs are made using a variety of weaving techniques, including hand-knotting, hand-tufting, and flat-weave.

Hand-knotted rugs are the most labour-intensive and time-consuming, but also the most durable and of the highest quality. Each knot is tied by hand onto the warp threads using a hand-operated loom, resulting in a rug that can take several months or even years to complete. This technique allows for greater intricacy in the design and results in a rug that is exceptionally durable and of the highest quality.

Hand-tufted rugs, on the other hand, are less time-consuming to make but are not as durable as hand-knotted rugs. Hand-tufted rugs are made by punching wool or other fibers through a backing material using a tufting gun, resulting in a rug that is less dense and less durable than a hand-knotted rug.

Flat-weave rugs are lightweight, easy to maintain, and less expensive than hand-knotted or hand-tufted rugs. They are made by weaving the warp and weft threads together using a hand-operated loom, resulting in a flat, reversible rug that is lightweight and easy to maintain. Flat-weave rugs are ideal for high-traffic areas or for those who prefer a rug that is easy to clean.

Each of these techniques has its own unique benefits and drawbacks, and the choice of technique depends on the desired style, complexity, and budget of the rug. High-quality Oriental rugs are typically hand-knotted, while hand-tufted and flat-weave rugs are more affordable options for those on a budget.

The intricate designs and patterns found in Oriental rugs are carefully crafted by skilled artisans who have spent years perfecting their craft. These designs vary depending on the region and cultural traditions from which they originate. Geometric patterns, floral patterns, medallions, and pictorial designs are some of the most common design elements found in Oriental rugs.

The weavers who create Oriental rugs have a deep understanding of the craft and often use techniques that have been passed down through generations. Each rug is a unique work of art that reflects the cultural heritage and traditions of the region in which it was created.

By bringing an Oriental rug into your home, you are not only adding a beautiful and unique piece of art to your space, but you are also supporting the skilled artisans who have dedicated their lives to this ancient craft.

Choosing the perfect oriental rug for your home

Before buying an oriental rug, it is important to consider the type of rug you want. Oriental rugs are available in a variety of styles, from traditional to contemporary, and from Persian to Afghan. Once you have decided on the style you want, it is important to consider the material. Wool is the most popular material for oriental rugs, but silk and cotton are also available.

It is also important to consider the size of the rug. Measure the space you want to fill, and make sure the rug you choose is the right size for the area. Additionally, consider the colour and pattern of the rug. Oriental rugs come in a variety of colours and patterns, and it is important to choose one that complements the other elements in the room.

Oriental rugs for warmth and luxury

Oriental rugs are timeless pieces of art that have been around for centuries. They bring a touch of sophistication and elegance to any room and are a great way to add warmth and colour to a space.

When it comes to interior design, they can be a great way to bring a feeling of luxury and to create a unique look. Here are some tips on how to include oriental rugs in your home.

First, consider the style of the room and the overall look you are trying to create. Here at Shimu we have a large range of oriental rugs for UK delivery that come in many different styles and colours, so choose one that fits with the rest of the decor. If the room is modern, for example, you may want to go for a more contemporary rug with a bold pattern and bright colours. On the other hand, if the room is more traditional, opt for a classic design with a muted colour palette.

Remember that a small rug can make a large room look smaller so try to choose a rug that’s as large as possible. Simple designs in neutral colours are perfect for creating a calm and relaxing space, whilst a vibrantly coloured rug with an ornate pattern makes an eye-catching focal point and brings a touch of luxury.

Oriental rugs for sale online and in-store at Shimu

Oriental rugs are an exquisite and timeless addition to any home, adding warmth, beauty, and sophistication to any room. From the intricate designs and patterns to the high-quality materials and techniques used in their production, Oriental rugs are a testament to the skill and craftsmanship of the artisans who create them.

At Shimu, we offer a wide selection of Oriental rugs for sale online and in-store. Our collection includes Persian, Turkish, Indian, and Afghan rugs, each hand-picked for their quality and unique beauty. Whether you are looking for a traditional, ornate rug or a more modern and minimalist piece, we have something to suit every taste and style. Our team is passionate about Oriental rugs and can offer expert advice on choosing the right rug for your home, as well as care and maintenance tips to ensure that your rug remains beautiful and vibrant for years to come.

Visit us online or in-store to explore our collection of Oriental rugs and find the perfect addition to your home.

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