Blue Persian Rug

Blue Persian Rug

Enhance your living spaces with a beautiful blue Persian rug

Persian rugs, also known as Iranian rugs, are some of the most popular and recognisable rugs in the world. They are knotted, handcrafted carpets that have been a major part of Persian culture for centuries. Persian rugs are known for their intricate designs, vibrant colours, and fine craftsmanship. Here at Shimu we have a wide range of oriental rugs, including Persian rugs in blue, red and neutral shades. With options to suit all homes and interiors, our collection will have the perfect Persian rug for you!

The history of persian rugs

The history of Persian rugs can be traced back to the 8th century BC, when the Persian Empire first began to create rugs. Over the centuries, Persian rugs have been crafted in many different regions of Persia, each region creating its own unique designs. These regions include the Isfahan, Tabriz, Mashad, and Kerman regions. Persian rugs have been exported to many countries around the world, where they have become popular decorations for both homes and businesses.

The main material used in the production of Persian rugs is wool, which is sourced from the local sheep in Iran. Wool is known for its strength, durability, and softness, making it an ideal choice for rug making. Persian rugs are usually made with a combination of wool, silk, and cotton. The combination of these materials creates a rug with a soft, luxurious feel.

Persian rugs are known for their intricate designs. These designs often reflect the culture and history of each region in which the rug was created. Symbols like flowers, birds, and geometric shapes are commonly used in the designs. The use of bright colours is also a characteristic of Persian rugs. Red, orange, turquoise, and yellow are all popular colours used in Persian rugs.

The craftsmanship of Persian rugs is renowned around the world. Each rug is made with great care and attention to detail. The process of making a Persian rug involves carding, spinning, and dyeing the wool before it is woven into a rug. The weaving process can take up to several months or even years to complete, depending on the size and intricacy of the design.

Persian rugs are a timeless piece of art that have been a part of Persian culture for centuries, making them the perfect addition to modern oriental interior design-themed interiors. They are known for their intricate designs, vibrant colours, and fine craftsmanship. Persian rugs are a great way to add a touch of elegance and beauty to any home.

Shop for blue Persian rugs at Shimu

Our collection of Persian rugs offers a wide range of designs, with options suited to all interiors and budgets. From handwoven pure wool rugs made using traditional skills, through to machine-woven rugs made from cotton, the Shimu range has been carefully chosen to reflect the beauty and elegance of Persian interiors created with a nod towards oriental style interior design. If you would like to buy a Persian rug direct from our website you’ll find that we offer convenient UK-wide direct delivery. Alternatively, why not visit our light and airy showroom which is located in Albion Mills, Greengates, West Yorkshire?

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