Decorative storage - how to be tidy AND stylish!

Decorative storage - how to be tidy AND stylish!

If you’ve been having a major clear out over the last year, you wouldn’t be alone. Whilst COVID restrictions meant so much extra time at home, and the popularity of the KonMari method has soared, many have taken the opportunity to re-evaluate their possessions. If you’ve struggled to let go of treasured possessions and unavoidable clutter though, you can still achieve the effect of a chic and tidy space. By incorporating carefully chosen storage solutions into your interior design, you can keep those bits and pieces you just don’t want to be without, whilst creating the illusion of an uncluttered room.

Here are our tips for creative and stylish storage in your home.

Baskets, boxes and bowls

Loose remote controls for all your media and tech, spectacle cases, keys, stationery and other odds and ends need to be within reach but can really clutter a space and make the surfaces look messy. Chances are they get misplaced on a regular basis too, so having a dedicated storage place for them will be helpful to both you and the tidiness of your room. Baskets, boxes and bowls are perfect vessels to stow away these bits and pieces, without making them difficult to access. A chic bowl for your keys, an attractive basket for remotes, and boxes for other smaller items can help to build a design personality in your space as well as providing organisational benefits

Television cabinets

Whilst most homes own at least one large screen and we’re all used to seeing them, they’re not particularly attractive to look at and can jar with a carefully arranged aesthetic. Providing a specially designed storage unit for your television means you can keep it where it works best for viewing, whilst keeping the dust off and preventing drawing focus whilst it’s not in use. Our television cabinets come in a choice of finishes that lend themselves to a number of different interior styles.

Media storage

For those of us who still enjoy playing music from something tangible, collections of CDs and records can take up a huge amount of space and aren’t particularly attractive when stacked up. Our media storage cabinets are designed so that you needn’t compromise on beauty and elegance, whilst keeping your collection organised and dust free.

Cabinets and sideboards

Even a little spare space can be utilised for storage. Our cabinets and sideboards offer both large interior storage as well as surface space, and take up a relatively small footprint when placed against a wall in a hallway or reception room. Choose from a huge range of finishes to tone in with your existing decor, or opt for a highly decorative piece that will lead the aesthetic personality in your space.

Trunks and chests

It’s lovely to have spare blankets, bed linens and extra cushions to hand when you need them, but they can make for unsightly clutter if not stowed away. Our trunks and chests are beautiful focal points in their own right, and can be double as a useable surface as well as for storage. At home just as much in a bedroom as a living area, choose from Chinese opera trunks, merchant’s chests, lacquered, leather, floral or traditionally painted to suit your own style.

Painted Antique Opera ChestBlanket Trunk, Black LacquerCountry Blanket Chest  

To make great use of the vertical space in a room and to create a focal point in your storage, opt for an armoire. You needn’t restrict their use to the bedroom as they work beautifully in a hallway or alcove too. As well as boasting an elegant and striking exterior, our armoires also provide versatile storage, so that you can find what you need with ease. Even a simply finished lacquered armoire can be truly eye catching, although our collection also includes highly decorative painted armoires that can provide a strong style focus and create interest in an otherwise simply designed room.

Teal Lacquer Tapered ArmoireShanxi Black Painted ArmoireLacquer Wedding Cabinet
Display cabinets

Whilst it’s good to have a place for everything and everything in its place, there are always items that we’d like to store but are too beautiful not to have on show. Our display cabinets provide the perfect solution, and indeed can make an interesting feature of your collections. Open, circular display shelves offer a versatile place to show off your treasures, whilst our glass fronted cabinets are invaluable for lesser used items that attract dust.

Chinese Circular Display ShelfChinese Circular Display ShelfChinese Circular Display Shelf

No matter your style or the space you have available, there are creative storage solutions to suit your needs. Our showroom is now open again, and we’re processing online orders and arranging deliveries as normal, so why not treat your home to some beautiful new pieces to help create a tidy and uncluttered space?

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